General Questions1. How many of our products have you been using annually?* 10-100 101-500 500-1000 More than 1000 Comment: Customer Survey1. Your enquiry, Request(s) and/or order(s) have been attended to promptly?* Very Satisfied Neither Very Dissatisfied Comment2. The Staff(s) handling of your enquiry, request(s) and/or order(s) is proficient and knowledgeable* Very Satisfied Neither Very Dissatisfied Comment: Product Quality and Performance1. Our products meet your specifications and requirements* Very Satisfied Neither Very Dissatisfied Comments:2. Our products meet your specifications and requirements* Very Satisfied Neither Very Dissatisfied Comments:3. Was your complaint, if there was any, handled to your satisfaction?* Very Satisfied Neither Very Dissatisfied Not Applicable Comments: Order Processing, Delivery and Logistics1. Your order(s) are processed accurately* Very Satisfied Neither Very Dissatisfied Comments:2. Your order(s) are delivered promptly and accurately according to planned schedule* Very Satisfied Neither Very Dissatisfied Comments: Overall1. Overall how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with our company?* Very Satisfied Neither Very Dissatisfied Comment:How likely is it that you would recommend Nipro Canada products to a colleague?* 1 - Not Likely 2 3 4 5 - Very Likely On scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being Not Likely, and 5 being Very Likely