YewTwist Questionnaire Please fill out the following questions.1. How frequently do you find it difficult to disconnect or untighten IV connections? 1-4 times a shift 1-4 times a week 1-4 times a month Less than once per month 2. On average, how long does it take you to disconnect a tight IV connection. Please include the time it takes to get the aid/alternate method. 0-3 minutes 3-5 minutes 5-8 minutes 8-10 minutes More then 10 minutes (please specify how long below) N/A If More than 10 minutes please specify how long.3. How effective was Yewtwist in disconnecting the IV connection? Please answer on a scale from 0 to 10.012345678910Zero = Not Effective | 5 = Neutral | 10 = Very Effective4a. If available to you, would you prefer Yewtwist over your current method in disconnecting IV connections? Yes No 4b. If yes, please answer why you would prefer it. Yewtwist is: Safer Faster/More efficient Easier to use Other Please check all answers that apply.5. If Yewtwist was available to you, how often would you use it? 1-4 times a shift 1-4 times a week 1-4 times a month Less than once per month 6. Which colour would you prefer? Green or Orange. Green Orange Please provide any additional comments or suggestions for improvement.Thank you for your time.